Untact is the virtue, Preparing travel in Mongolia
Travel in Mongolia – 1
This morning, I saw the news about how important ‘untact’ is in every industry and our daily life. Wearing mask and social distancing is the must if you want to go around. Since many countries have locked themselves from tourists of other countries, travel industry is in hot water. Many of workers in this field have to find another line of work for temporarily or permanently.
Some European countries opened their door to limited number of countries that mark low number of infection by corona virus. It is not because just the situation is getting better but it is to boost their economy.
I am staying in Mongolia. There have been several charter flights going to Korea. I didn’t take that chance because the quarantine I might experience here in Mongolia would be not easy at all. I mean, if ever Mongolia re-opens the sky road, I should come back for business. Then, as soon as I come back to Mongolia, I will be in the facility for 21 days with strangers. No Korean food. And the cost.
So, I decided to stay in UB and I am planning to travel around Mongolia. Terelj is the only place I’ve ever been other than UB. Once you leave UB, road is rough, and you can be in the real ‘untact’ world. So big country but so low population. I am going to go camping. I already ordered 4 tents for me and my crews. We are all excited. Mongolian summer is hot and also cool. That 2 to 3 months, you can experience the best of Mongolian nature. Steppe to desert.
Members? Three Koreans and one Mongolian.
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