Custom Login error caused by All In One WP Security – (WordPress 5.7)
All in one wp security is one of the most famous security plugins.
I installed this on many of websites that I manage and it gave me 500 error on custom log-in page after I updated wordpress core into 5.7. The cause is related to ‘custom login adress’ feature that the plugin offer for users. You can easily change the URI of the login page through the setting of the plugin. The default URI provided by Wordperss is ‘wp-login’ but it can be changed by the plugin with the URI as you set which I like very much. But the error started with the new version of WordPress core, 5.7. The plugin already released the patch for it, so you can fix it by simply updating it if you haven’t updated the core yet.
- After you update the plugin, you can fix it but you cannot login and see 500 error, then you should go to the plugin folder through FTP.
- Disable the plugin by editing the folder name of All in on wp security so that it won’t affect your login page.
- Go to the default login page like “mysite/wp-login”. Then, log in.
- Set the original name of the plugin folder as it was, so you can see the plugin on the plugin list page of WP ADMIN.
- Update the plugin then enable it.
- Now, you can login on the custom login page again without any problem.
additional problem
If you still have problems with your websites, for example, you cannot see your homepage properly, then the problem might be about .htaccess file on the root folder. Check out the file and if there is any codes related to ‘all in one wp security’, delete it first. You can continue solving the problem after that.
If you use ‘all in one wp security’ and you haven’t updated Wordpres core to 5.7, you should update the plugin first.
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